Monday, April 20, 2009

Baby Girl

In all of my posting I forgot to tell everyone some very exciting news! Bryce and Keisha are going to have a baby girl in Sept. We are so excited for this little girl to come into our family! This is the latest picture of our sweet baby girl! I love her already and can't wait to see her and hold her!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Last night was Karli's Jr. Prom. She looked beautiful and with her date they were a smashing couple! I asked her if prom was everything she thought it would be as a little girl thinking of the going to the prom someday, and she said yes! She had a great time. Here are pictures of her in her dress. Notice her shoes! She doesn't like high heels and didn't want to have to wear them alnight and have sore feet, so she wore silver convserses! Love you Karli!

Easter Party

Last week-end was Easter, but because of a busy Easter week-end, we had our family party yesterday! It was a fabulous time! We had an Easter Egg Drop. Family members had to create a container to hold their egg and then we dropped them off the deck! There were some very amazing containers made! It was a lot of fun! Here are a few of the containers before the big drop!

We had an Easter Egg Hunt with the grand kids! They are so cute and fun! We loved having everyone over! We love all of you! We missed you Bryce and Keisha!

Blake's Temple Day

April 11, 2009, Blake took out his endowments in the Rexburg Temple. It was a special day to be in the temple with Blake. I am proud of you BLake and the decision who have made to be a missionary. Remember to always honor the covenants you made in the temple. It was also Bryce and Keisha's first year anniversary! They were able to attend with him before they left for Medesto, CA for the summer. Martin, Mom and Dad were able to be at the temple with us as well. I hadn't been to the Rexburg temple and it is beautiful! I guess all temples are beautiful, but there was something extra special about that temple that I love!

Keisha's Graduation

On April 10, 2009, Keisha graduated from BYU-I, with high honors! Neal Andersen, was the speaker at both the commencement and at the College of Education. We are proud of you Keisha. This is a wonderful accomplishment! We had a nice weekend. The party started on Thursday night at the APX building where we played games, laughed and had a yummy dessert! Friday was graduation in the morning, and then we all went to Idaho Falls for lunch at Red Robin! It was a great time! Congratulations Keisha! We love you!

Her cheering section!

Monday, April 6, 2009


We were able to attend the Sunday morning session of conference yesterday! Attending conference is one of my favorite things to do and I am always hoping that somehow, someone will come up with tickets. I love the feeling that is there and always leave uplifted and recommitted. Thanks Ben for getting tickets for us!

Hi-Stepper Banquet

Done for another Year!
The Hi-Steppers had their banquet to celebrate another great year the end of March. Karli you did a great job and we love cheering for the Hi-Steppers!

Young Women's Conference Session

Karli's young women received tickets to attend the General Women's Conference session at the Conference Center. Blake surprised us and came home for the week-end, so he came with us on our day out. The day started with Prom dress shopping. I wasn't sure how successful we would be, so we left early and had the dress bought by noon! It is beautiful. THe prom is on April 18, 2009, so I will make sure pictures are posted! We then did errands in Ogden and then headed to Salt Lake. We walked around temple square, went into the Tabernacle and enjoyed the sounds and the spirit that is there. While at temple squre, BLake met a sister missionary from Brazil. Her father's family is all from Salvador and so she told Blake to find her family and baptize them all. That was neat for him to visit with her for a few minutes. THen Karli and I went to the session and Blake walked through the visitor center and then went and watched the Joseph Smith movie. The session was great. THe spirit was so strong and we learned about the new value, Virtue. The prophet spoke about virtue and what is means to be a virtuous woman. We left feeling uplifted and recommitted to follow the commandments and be a better person. When the conference was over the prophet waved and blew a kiss to us! The day ended with a yummy meal at Chili's complete with molten cake! It was a great day from beginning to end!


I am a season holder to Ballet West and talked mom into being a season holder this year as well. We have had a great time attending the Ballets this year. We took Karli with us to the Nut Cracker and to Madame Butterfly. We love to have dinner at the Lambs Grill in Salt Lake and then go to the Ballet.


I went to the ASCD conference in Orlando and invited my mom, Karli, and my neice, Jessica to come with me. We were able to see a lot of Disney World while we were there. I went one full day with them and then I attended the conference, which was very good, during the day and then I would find them later in the afternoon. It was a fun time and nice to have some warm weather. The trip was complete with laughs, taxi rides, city bus transportation, loosing a camera and having the taxi driver, Paul, return it to our hotel, loosing a cell phone and finding out that there are honest people in the world who turned the phone into the guest services where we retrieved it, and Karli and Jess getting lost on their way back to the hotel, but eventually made it safe and sound! We watched the space shuttle launch from Epcot, which was amazing. Thanks for going with me and making fun memories!

Salvador Brazil

While we were at State Drill Team Competition with Karli, Blake opened his mission call. He is off too Brazil! We are very proud of you Blake and are excited for the experiences you will have. Bryce was so excited that Blake gets the opportunity to serve in Brazil. They will be talking in code at all the family functions now! He leaves on May 19, 2009!


Karli is a Hi-Stepper and the team did a great job this year! At state they took 2nd place in novelty and 6th place in military and jazz! We love you Karli and loved watching you perform. Her brothers practicing "facial expressions!"