Thursday, August 20, 2009

Elder Adams

Blake is doing well in Salvador. He had his first baptism and is loving his mission. Here are some pics from the mission field!

Medesto California

I am slow on this update, but better late than never! Ben, Karli, Mom and I went to visit Keisha and Bryce in California. It was so much fun to visit them for a few days. We did a little site seeing while we were there. We visited San Fran and saw the Golden Gate Bridge, drove down the crookedest street, and went into a WWI ship and submarine, they were both very cool! We went and saw the Winchester house, crazy lady! It is one of those things you need to see, so add it to your bucket list! We also went down and saw the aquarium in Monteray. It was so awesome! I especially loved the Sea Horses and the jelly fish. We had a super fun time! We went swimming, and watch Bryce beat all his friends in various competitions!!! Here are a few pics of the trip! Thanks Bryce and Keisha!